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Episode Twenty Three: A Interview with John Paycheck

Nashville Recording Artist and Songwriter John Paycheck talks with us about growing up with a legendary dad, his army background, and his now focus on music and creating his legacy in country music. #NeverForget9/11


Episode Twenty Two: A Interview with Casey Beathard

Nashville Songwriting Hall of Fame Inductee Casey Beathard talks to us about football, music, his son's passing, and his outlook on life after losing a child. 


Episode Twenty One: A Interview with Wenzl

The Man on TikTok with the Street Cone in his Saxophone is Viral Sensation Wenzl McGowen. Wenzl tells us about the new music he is releasing, his mission to meet Flo Rida and much more! 


Episode Twenty: A Interview with Whey Jennings

Whey Jennings, Country Music Artist and Songwriter talks to us about his family, his music career, life after addiction, and how he is helping others. 


Episode Nineteen: A Interview with Tom Turcich

Tom Turcich walked with his dog Savannah over 28,000 miles around the United States and the world, he has since become a public speaker and written a book about his journey.



Episode Eighteen: A Interview with Jordan Armstrong

Episode Seventeen: A Interview with Julian Schlossberg

Jordan Armstrong Calls in from Nashville to talk us about her new music career, her writing process and what inspired her to write her new single High Note. 

World famous producer, and legend in motion picture and theatre, we interview Julian Schlossberg about his new book and his 6 decade career in the entertainment industry. 

Sex & Dating

Episode Sixteen: A Interview with Dating Coach Melani Le'ona

We spent some time with Relationship and Dating Coach Melani Le'ona learning about dating, and how all that we want in relationships and dating is within us. 


Episode Fifteen: A Interview with John "JR" Robinson

A great in-depth interview with John "JR" Robinson, the world's most recorded drummer! With Hits covering four generations, John has played with hundreds of the very best in music! 

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