In the heart of New York, a father and daughter duo, both Lyme Disease survivors, have taken a stand against the silent threat of ticks. Their battle with the disease ignited a passion to develop a groundbreaking solution for tick removal, leading to the creation of TiCK MiTT. This microfiber mitt, born from years of research and collaboration with tick experts and product engineers, is changing the game in the fight against Lyme Disease and other tick-borne illnesses.
The TiCK MiTT Innovation:
Imagine a world where ticks can be effortlessly swept away before they latch onto you, your loved ones, or your pets. TiCK MiTT brings this vision to life with its microfiber mitt designed for wiping away ticks from clothes, hair, and pets. Highly effective and non-toxic, this affordable solution ensures that ticks are removed before they have a chance to transmit harmful diseases.
Our Mission:
TiCK MiTT's commitment extends beyond providing an innovative tick-removal tool. With a deep dedication to raising awareness and reducing the cases of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses, the founders serve on several boards, including Project Lyme. Through partnerships with various organizations, TiCK MiTT distributes mitts to those battling tick-borne diseases, offering protection and peace of mind. Sponsoring Lyme disease conferences is another avenue through which the TiCK MiTT team fosters knowledge sharing and collaboration within the community.
Our Vision:
TiCK MiTT stands firm in its belief in integrity, from product development to delivery. The founders, intimately acquainted with the impact of tick-borne diseases on their own lives, prioritize safe, effective, and affordable tick protection for every family member, including pets.
How it Works:
The journey to creating TiCK MiTT involved close collaboration with a renowned tick expert and product engineer. The goal was to identify a fabric that mimicked the qualities ticks naturally adhere to, akin to Velcro. After years of dedication and multiple prototypes, the scientifically proven TiCK MiTT fabric was perfected. With this innovative solution, users can trust in a product that has been carefully crafted and rigorously tested, providing a reliable and efficient tick removal solution for outdoor adventures.
TiCK MiTT is not just a product; it's a commitment to a healthier, safer outdoor experience. With a vision grounded in awareness, prevention, and collaboration, TiCK MiTT is making strides in the fight against tick-borne diseases. As the founders continue to champion their cause, TiCK MiTT stands as a symbol of hope for individuals and families seeking effective and affordable protection against these persistent threats in our natural surroundings.