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Neely Powell Is Walking the Path of Entrepreneurial Success with Charleston Shoe Company

Updated: Mar 10

In the ever-evolving landscape of fashion, few stories stand out like that of Neely Woodson Powell, the visionary founder of Charleston Shoe Company. With a journey spanning two and a half decades, her brand has grown from a passionate endeavor to an iconic national symbol of versatile and fashionable footwear. Powell's relentless pursuit of her passion has not only shaped a successful business but has also become an inspiring tale of entrepreneurship and determination.

Q: Can you share the inspiration behind starting Charleston Shoe Company twenty-five years ago and how your entrepreneurial journey has evolved since then?

A: I was definitely in the men's world when I started in the 90s. Men were selling women's shoes but could not attest to the style, fit, and comfort because they didn’t wear them. Now comfort is key. I started out wholesaling the line and then went back to school to learn more about hand-made shoes. In 2010, I opened my first store in Savannah while still at SCAD, and the brand has continued to grow ever since.

Q: The Charleston Shoe Company is known for distinctive features like treaded soles, elastic straps, and hand-sewn craftsmanship. Can you elaborate on what inspired these unique design elements and how they contribute to the brand's success?

A: I've never been on the cutting edge of fashion, realizing the most important thing with a shoe is the look. Our soles are rubber but look like organic material. We have 63 cobblers hand-sewing everything in Mexico. In our women's lines, it's elastic that really hugs your foot, providing both comfort and style.

Q: With the brand's nationwide reach and the opening of retail stores, how has the transition from online sales to physical retail impacted Charleston Shoe Company, and can you share any memorable experiences from establishing retail locations?

A: Selling out on QVC was a significant moment, but seeing my shoes being worn down the street or in an airport is always special. I love getting responses when I compliment someone on their shoes.

Q: Looking ahead, what can we expect from Charleston Shoe Company in terms of upcoming projects, collaborations, or new initiatives? How do you envision the future of the brand?

A: We're opening more stores, focusing on creating new styles and targeting all-day shoes for the workplace. During COVID-19, we donated hospitality shoes to hospitals nationwide and launched Shoe Joy, contributing 7,000 pairs of shoes to Soles4Souls. Our new apparel line emerged from a creative spark during the pandemic. Charleston Shoe Company has donated over $2 million worth of shoes since Covid

Neely Powell's journey with Charleston Shoe Company is not just a tale of shoes; it's a testament to unwavering determination and passion. As the brand continues to evolve, Neely's commitment to comfort, style, and community outreach promises a future where Charleston Shoe Company strides confidently into new horizons, leaving an indelible mark on the world of footwear.


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